Posts by Anastasia Violet Lipske
First Issue – Explaining Speaker Snippets, SpeakerHub, Patricia Fripp and More…
If you are a speaker…in particular one who is speaking for free to grow their business, please give me a few minutes of your time by watching my above video. This is the first of what will be “Speaker Snippets” where I will share tips and tricks from the viewpoint of a speaker agent as…
Read MoreWriting and Controlling your Own Introductions…
Welcome to my second Speaker Snippets! 1) I want to share with you the importance of writing your own introduction for your talks as well as tips and tricks on how to control this important part of your presentation. In my video above I share the importance of sending it to the speaker chair ahead…
Read MoreEmail Signatures, Are you Using them Effectively?…
Welcome to my third Speaker Snippets! Are you being loud and proud about being a speaker? If you feel you are…answer this…do you have “Speaker” listed in your email signature? If yes, AWESOME… but…does that link direct to your speaker page on your website or a speaker sheet if you don’t have a speaker page…
Read MoreWhy Your Own Projector, Death by PPT, SpeakerTunity and More….
Today I want to talk a bit about A/V in general and share a great resource for finding gigs that I personally use. First….about A/V….After watching my video, the below links will make a lot more sense…. The 10 best business projectors of 2018 by Henry Casey via Projectors on The 11 Best…
Read MoreCelebrating 1,000 Speaking Gigs Booked + Special Time-Sensitive Offer on my Speaker Branding Consultations….
YAY me! Yes, I’m being loud and proud and I sure hope you are when you accomplish something special. And YES I know my video is nine-minutes long, but hey, that’s shorter than it would take to have a phone chat or a cup of coffee together, right? Though I’d love to do those with…
Read MoreThe Importance of Compelling Topic Descriptions + a Great Resource for a Speaker Proposal Template…
(I’m REALLY trying to keep the videos shorter, but sometimes the topic is TOO important to not go into detail and this is one of them. Please give me eight minutes of your time and if you do what I suggest with regards to upgrading your topics you will be branding yourself better as a…
Read MoreBook Review: ABCs of Speaking…Your Building Blocks to Speaking Success by Adryenn Ashley, Bret Ridgway, Caterina Rando
ABCs of Speaking: Your Building Blocks to Speaking Success by Adryenn Ashley, Bret Ridgway and Caterina Rando (yes A – B – C) I thought this book was excellent and suspect there will be tips of value no matter how seasoned of a speaker you are. And with a cost of less than $10 it’s…
Read MoreWhat Does Your Email Address Say About You? Professional or Amateur?
This time, a general branding tip that applies to everyone in business, whether you’re a speaker or not. Your email address! What does it say about you? Do you look like a professional or an amateur? What looks more professional to you?: AnastasiaVioletLipske@gmail .com? AwesomeEntrepreneur@aol .com? AccessSpeakers@yahoo .com? Anastasia@AccessSpeakers .biz? I think we all know…
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