The Importance of Compelling Topic Descriptions + a Great Resource for a Speaker Proposal Template…


(I’m REALLY trying to keep the videos shorter, but sometimes the topic is TOO important to not go into detail and this is one of them. Please give me eight minutes of your time and if you do what I suggest with regards to upgrading your topics you will be branding yourself better as a speaker and it will help you get booked to speak more often!)

Sometimes I feel speakers underestimate the importance of their topic titles and descriptions. Far too often I see speakers not put enough time into crafting them into something really compelling.

I implore you to really scrutinize your current topics and descriptions right now. Is the title catchy? Is it captivating? Does it make someone want to know more and will then read the description? If not…then put some time into this ASAP because if you don’t it could be affecting how often you get booked.

In my opinion, the best format is:

A killer title…something compelling and intriguing.
A brief paragraph that includes the pain points your audience likely have and that what you cover will help them address whatever that pain point might be.
Then bullet point 3 – 5 statements that are the key takeaways people will get from your talk. (I never realized how important this was until it became a common request from groups I was working with.)

You see, you need to write your topic for the “end-user” meaning the potential audience member. Event planners and speaker chairs are looking for speakers that people will flock to hear. That’s how they look good, by offering a speaker program that is in high demand. If your description doesn’t enthrall that potential audience member, you will be passed over for speakers who sound far more interesting.

And note…that potential audience member won’t see your speaker kit. They’ll see your name, maybe a headshot, maybe a bio, your topic title, and description. If the latter is not compelling they might not go to that meeting or buy a ticket for that event because they simply aren’t interested. If the speaker chair is concerned that will happen, they’ll pass you over for someone who will garner more interest. It’s that simple!

I believe it’s worth hiring a professional to help you with your bio, topics, and more. You have so much riding on this it’s worth having someone from the outside looking in. They can see things differently than you can. Make certain though that the person who helps you understands the world of speaking.

And remember it’s all about getting you booked to speak, not about getting you business!!!

I love Aurora Gregory of! She’s “good people”…a kindred spirit…AND she really knows her stuff with regards to helping speakers get booked to speak. So much so that’s she’s written a book on that, which I will be doing a review of down the road.

She has an AWESOME resource I want to share with you because…

The thought of writing a great and professional speaker proposal can make some people break out in hives. Well, this template will make it SO much easier for you…simply fill in the blanks, tweak it a bit to meet the needs of that particular conference you want to speak at and you’re good to go!

Stress-Busting Speaker Proposal Template Pack by Aurora Gregory
(Honestly…for just $19 it’s a no-brainer investment)

AND I would highly recommend subscribing to her e-list so you can download her 5 Must-Dos for an Irresistible Speaker Proposal piece that has some great tips that complement what I’ve shared above and in my video.

Subscribe Here

Another opportunity for me to be loud and proud about my services…this time…as a speakers’ agent.

Steven Campbell was one of the VERY first speakers I represented. In fact, believe it or not, he signed on in March of 2011 back when this was just a side business I was dabbling in. Where does the time go?

Well, the below statement he sent me just ten days ago was unsolicited. Ironically that was the day I shared on social media my excitement that I had booked 996 gigs, which Steven had not seen! It meant the world to me to see how much I’m getting him out there sharing his important message about how our brains believe whatever we tell it.

As you know, I’ve already surpassed 1,000 gigs personally booked on behalf of my speakers and I’ve already booked Steven three more gigs just this past week! Woohoo! Here’s to the next 1,000!

Thank you, Steven, for being a loyal client and friend after all these years!

If you have suggestions for future issues either because you know of a great resource or it’s something you’d like to know more about, please reach out to me. I want to make these snippets as valuable for you as possible.

Until the next one…wishing you abundant blessings!

Speak On!!!


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