Why Your Own Projector, Death by PPT, SpeakerTunity and More….


Today I want to talk a bit about A/V in general and share a great resource for finding gigs that I personally use.

First….about A/V….After watching my video, the below links will make a lot more sense….

The 10 best business projectors of 2018 by Henry Casey via TechRadar.com
Projectors on Amazon.com

The 11 Best Mini Projectors to Buy in 2018 by by Meredith Popolo, David Beren and Patrick Hyde via LifeWire.com
(Hmmmmmmmm…I’m quite intrigued with Apeman that retails for less than $200)

For a humorous look at what NOT to do with your PowerPoint presentation.
Life After Death by PowerPoint 2012 by Don McMillan

And for a more technical look at things to consider when creating your PowerPoint presentation.
How to Avoid Death By PowerPoint | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholmSalon

And then there’s always Prezi to consider if you want a less “traditional” visual presentation.

Next….a great speaker resource!

Looking for more speaking opportunities, but don’t have the time to find the groups? SpeakerTunity™ Transformational Speaker Leads Tip Sheets to the rescue!

The hard work is done for you, the research! This allows you to focus on what you do best! Twice every month, you’ll receive the most up to date information (including contact name, phone and email address) about venues, events and organizations that are looking for speakers like you!

This includes ALL of the hot regions in both the U.S. and Canada; top book tour promotion sites; local chapters of national organizations; local business meetings, TEDx events, upcoming multi-speaker events and expos; leading Unity and Centers for Spiritual Living; wellness events and presentation locations, yoga centers, women’s organizations, national conferences; civic, fraternal, and health organizations; resort and retreat centers, and many more. You get more than 120 leads per month! Plus a private Facebook Group with HOT! timely new leads, too!

I use this personally to find new groups for my speakers! Not sure if it will be a valuable resource for you? Then try it for FREE for one month! Subscribe below so you can experience first-hand what SpeakerTunity™ can do for you. You’ve got nothing to lose, right?

If you prefer to get a month of their Radio/Podcast Leads or their Summit Leads the below link will take you to a page where you can choose which free month you’d like to try.

One more reminder about upgrading your email signature to be more loud and proud about being a speaker. If you haven’t already, watch my video from last week’s Speaker Snippets and if you want some help getting that done very quickly and affordably, go to my gal at Fiverr and search by her name Riya_Moni. Oh, and please tell her Anastasia sent you! 🙂

If you’d like to email me I’d be happy to take a peek at your e-signature and give you my input.

Lastly, a shameless plug for my consulting services. Even speakers with top-notch professional branding could benefit from having the eyes of a speaker agent look over what they’ve got to make sure they aren’t missing any opportunities to be more loud and proud about being a speaker. I would be honored if you would trust me with your time to share my expertise with you.

Here’s a testimonial from another speaker consulting client:

If you have suggestions for future issues either because you know of a great resource or it’s something you’d like to know more about, please reach out to me. I want to make these snippets as valuable for you as possible.

Until the next one…wishing you abundant blessings!

Speak On!!!


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